Uncover the core elements of your brand. Create and share with alignment, excitement, and resonance.


Core Brand Discovery

In this 1-hour consultation, uncover your brand sub-archetype (one of 66) and how it shows up in your business and life. Together we will get clarity on your vision, desire, fear, goal, and trap.

  • Connect with a powerful vision that guides your business forward

  • Understand why you get stuck and how to get unstuck

  • Receive a detailed Insight Guide to your sub-archetype to accompany you as you make decisions about your business and brand moving forward

  • Learn more about the people you want to serve - what keeps them stuck and what they desire on a deep level. If you have been attracting people who are misaligned, learn why and receive strategies to magnetize different people.

  • Receive a Magic Brand Workbook specific to your sub-archetype that will help you deepen your understanding of your brand, your journey, and how you can express and market it in the world.

Branding Wordsmith VIP

Do you struggle to create consistent, confident messaging that wins over people you love to serve? With our Branding Wordsmith VIP offering, you get to work one-on-one with master wordsmith Brittany Veenhuysen for 5 hours. This VIP offering includes uncovering your archetype and receiving an Insight Guide, which will create the foundation for all of the wordsmithing that will ensue.

You can use your one-on-one time to:

  • Developing powerful core messaging and taglines for your website

  • Writing the stories that resonate and win over your audience; creating bios and descriptions for social media

  • Learning and writing in the language of your ideal audience (it is not the same as your language!)

  • Crafting powerful results and benefits for what you offer

  • Developing magnetizing launch copy for an upcoming program or event

  • Creating a foundation for consistent marketing copy (posts, blogs, videos, gifts, emails) that speak to your audience and make them want to have more of you.

Branding Design VIP

If you want to develop consistent, authentic visuals for your business, you are in the right place. With our Branding Design VIP offering, you get to work one-on-one with [TITLE] Tyler Massie for 3 hours. This VIP offering includes uncovering your archetype and receiving an Insight Guide, which will create the foundation for the brand design that will ensue.

Together we will:

  • Conduct a brand audit of your current design assets

  • Align your sub-archetype with your intentions to evolve your business

  • Develop a checklist for your brand starter kit